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TRADCO Window Fittings


Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Do your windows wake you up in the night, trembling and rattling at the smallest hint of wind. It might be that the window fasteners are no longer working properly. The two most popular residential windows on older houses are casement and double hung windows. Here's what you need to know about buying new locks for your old windows or your new window locks.

A window sash is the part of a window that moves and holds the glass panes together. The sash fits inside the window frame, attached to the house. The sash will vary depending on the type of window. For example, on a double hung window there is an upper and lower sash that move up and down.

A sash window is a window feature composed of two frames or sashes which slide open. Most sash windows are double-hung. They allow both sashes to open, and set on a vertical track with one sliding in front of the other.

Sample Sash Window
Sample Sash Window

A sash window or hung sash window made of one or more movable panels, or "sashes". They form a frame to hold panes of glass. Often separated from other panes (or "lights") by glazing bars. Also known as muntins in the US (moulded strips of wood).

A double-hung window — a window with two vertically sliding sashes — is a common type of window in older houses. Fasteners and sash lifts are the most common types of double-hung window hardware.

As well as stopping air leaks and rattles, fasteners help secure a window from intruders. The window sash will sit snugly against the window frame to accomplish the latter two purposes. Cam (crescent shaped) locks are the most common sash fasteners.

TradCo offer a handful of finishes too their products. Please ask our team if a finish you desire is available.

Check details for the appropriate sash lock, as well as lift size, when specifying windows hardware.

Sash Window Lifts

Classic Sash Lift – Small
Classic Sash Lift – Small

Classic Sash Lift – Small Polished Brass


Height: 34mm

Width: 42mm

Projection: 25mm

Solid brass sash lifts. Available in 2 sizes.

Sash Eye Lift – Offset
Sash Eye Lift – Offset

Sash Eye Lift – Offset


Height: 32mm

Width: 49mm

Projection: 36mm

Classic Sash Lift – Large
Classic Sash Lift – Large

Classic Sash Lift – Large


Height: 41mm

Width: 48mm

Projection: 30mm

Window sashes are very important for the window construction. As a whole and for its durability. Vinyl window sashes are multi-chambered. Also fusion-welded and reinforced so that they do not distort over time. A distorted window sash can cause the window to leak out and not lock. Structural strengthening is what determines the window quality.

Sash lifts were standard fittings on windows by the Victorian era, and are still in use today. Flush, handle and hook lifts can add a finishing touch to your sash in the appropriate shape and colour.

Ribbed Sash Lift
Ribbed Sash Lift

Ribbed Sash Lift


Height: 41mm

Width: 48mm

Projection: 30mm

Ornate Sash Lift
Ornate Sash Lift

Ornate Sash Lift


Height: 40mm

Width: 40mm

Projection: 28mm

Nouveau Sash Lift
Nouveau Sash Lift

Nouveau Sash Lift


Height: 32mm

Width: 35mm

Projection: 25mm

Nouveau Sash Lift
Nouveau Sash Lift

Nouveau Sash Lift


Height: 40mm

Width: 44mm

Projection: 28mm

Dished Sash Lift
Dished Sash Lift

Dished Sash Lift


Height: 38mm

Width: 45mm

Projection: 30mm

Hinged Sash Lift
Hinged Sash Lift

Hinged Sash Lift


Height: 24mm

Width: 52mm

Projection: 18mm

If you want to add a more detailed look to double hung windows off the shelf or if you have old wood windows with broken, rusted, or inoperable hardware, it's a good time to shop for replacements.

Sash Window Pulleys & Drops

Sash Drop
Sash Drop

Sash Drop

Sash Window Pulley
Sash Window Pulley

Sash Window Pulley

Check the sash measurements for appropriate sash lock, strike, and lift size when specifying hardware for windows.

Sash Window Fasteners

Grub Screw Locking Sash Fastener
Grub Screw Locking Sash Fastener

Grub Screw Locking Sash Fastener


Width: 15mm

Length: 69mm

Classic Sash Fastener
Classic Sash Fastener

Classic Sash Fastener


Width: 25mm

Length: 65mm

Centre to centre: 45mm

Ornate Sash Fastener
Ornate Sash Fastener

Ornate Sash Fastener


Width: 22mm

Length: 70mm

The most common domestic window was the casement windows with leaded glass panes until the mid-1600s, when sash windows were introduced. Sash windows are typically used on older houses, while casement windows are still used in Europe.

Key Operated Narrow Locking Sash Fastener
Key Operated Narrow Locking Sash Fastener

Key Operated Narrow Locking Sash Fastener


Width: 17mm

Length: 65mm

Porcelain Ball Sash Fastener
Porcelain Ball Sash Fastener

Porcelain Ball Sash Fastener


Width: 26mm

Length: 73mm

Reeded Sash Fastener
Reeded Sash Fastener

Reeded Sash Fastener


Width: 24mm

Length: 75mm

Key Operated Locking Sash Fastener
Key Operated Locking Sash Fastener

Key Operated Locking Sash Fastener


Width: 20mm

Length: 64mm

The window of the casement swings open from a hinged sash. Back in the early 1900s, architects like Frank Lloyd Wright reintroduced casement windows (Wright used horizontal casement windows).

Casement Window Stays

Locking Telescopic Casement Stay
Locking Telescopic Casement Stay

Locking Telescopic Casement Stay

Stainless Steel



Telescopic Pin Casement Stay
Telescopic Pin Casement Stay

Telescopic Pin Casement Stay



Sidemount Casement Stay
Sidemount Casement Stay

Sidemount Casement Stay

Base Fix Casement Stay
Base Fix Casement Stay

Base Fix Casement Stay

Architects specialising in 1920s and 1940s Tudor and Spanish Revival houses have incorporated the casement window into their designs.

There are a number of fasteners and adjusters on the market today — some popular styles resemble medieval designs to be used on Tudor and Revival houses for the arts and crafts.

Casement Window Fasteners

Square Casement Fastener
Square Casement Fastener

Square Casement Fastener


Width: 35mm

Projection: 30mm

Bolt Throw: 35mm

Teardrop Casement Fastener
Teardrop Casement Fastener

Teardrop Casement Fastener


Width: 40mm

Projection: 30mm

Bolt Throw: 25mm

Grub Screw Locking Casement Fastener
Grub Screw Locking Casement Fastener

Grub Screw Locking Casement Fastener


Width: 24mm

Projection: 30mm

Bolt Throw: 34mm

Deco Casement Fastener
Deco Casement Fastener

Deco Casement Fastener


Width: 50mm

Projection: 25mm

Bolt Throw: 30mm

Dished Casement Fastener
Dished Casement Fastener

Dished Casement Fastener


Width: 45mm

Projection: 30mm

Bolt Throw: 30mm

Monkey Tail Casement Fastener
Monkey Tail Casement Fastener

Monkey Tail Casement Fastener


Locking Casement Fastener
Locking Casement Fastener

Locking Casement Fastener

Left Hand


Casement fasteners play the same role as double-hung sash fasteners — to protect the window — whereas casement adjusters hold the window open. The opening casement and the opening awning window are still the most popular window types in Europe and are still available in Australia.

Hopper Window Fittings

Wedge Fastener
Wedge Fastener

Wedge Fastener


Width: 20mm

Length: 90mm

Projection: 30mm

Hopper Window Fastener
Hopper Window Fastener

Hopper Window Fastener


Width: 39mm

Length: 74mm

Projection: 31mm

Spur Catch
Spur Catch

Spur Catch


Height: 47mm

Projection: 46mm

Since window sashes are an important part of window design, proper functioning is imperative.

  • If the window is stuck and is unable to open and close, then an alignment problem may be indicated.

  • Usually this can be solved with minor adjustments, but otherwise, you may need to replace your window sash or windows.

  • If your windows have not been replaced in several years, buying replacement windows for your home may be wise.

  • While the initial cost may be high, new windows may lower your energy bills and increase your home's overall value and curb its appeal.

When specifying awning and casement window hardware, make sure that you look at all of your options. For example, the European three-point lock is a popular choice today.

Quadrant Stays

Classic Quadrant Stay
Classic Quadrant Stay

Classic Quadrant Stay



Length: 150mm

Base Fix Locking Pin
Base Fix Locking Pin

Base Fix Locking Pin


Fanlight Window Fittings

Fanlight Swivel
Fanlight Swivel

Fanlight Swivel


Height: 73mm

Width: 23mm

Fanlight Catch
Fanlight Catch

Fanlight Catch


Height: 50mm

Width: 59mm

Pole Hook
Pole Hook

Pole Hook


Height: 100mm

Fanlight Stop
Fanlight Stop

Fanlight Stop



Length: 190mm

Fanlight Window Operator
Fanlight Window Operator

Fanlight Window Operator



Height: 900mm

View more TRADCO products on our website here

When you visit our showroom at Architectural Design Hardware we can help you with casement fasteners and sash lifts.



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