So you think you want to install sliding barn doors. What a great idea.

When there is not enough space for an opening door or you just prefer a simple yet functional minimal door, the barn door is the answer. Do you need a price? Do you need information? Talk to us.
Sliding barn doors save on space. Sliding barn doors are incredibly functional. They are a perfect alternative to hinged doors. All they do is slide. No intrusion into a room. There are three main barn door applications. You can have a single slide, twin slide or double door, and the by-pass doors or overlapping sliding doors. They can fit in almost any space! You can even have them on a wall as a feature. Use them to hang pictures or award certificates. I've even seen them used to hang the families Diplomas on an entry to the theatre room!
Are sliding barn doors good for the bedroom?
Sliding door are space savers. They are free to hang out from the wall, surrounded by air. If you have an area requiring visual separation from another space, and you don't need to seal off sound, then sliding barn doors are a great option. However, they're not ideal for both bathrooms and bedrooms unless you add soundproofing door seals. Great for walk in robes.
Do sliding barn doors need a bottom track?
Sliding barn doors function best when the wall space next to the opening is adequate to allow the door to slide completely open. This should be wide enough to have about 1/2-inch of space between the bottom of the door and the floor while it's hanging on the track.
Sliding Barn Doors on Bathroom?
There's a range of sliding barn door locks available so you don't have to compromise on design privacy. Even though they move with utmost ease back and forth, barn doors can be locked just like any other door. A barn door is as good as a regular door when it comes to privacy in the bathroom.
May you lock a sliding barn door for a toilet?
Due to the manner in which they are installed, single-hung sliding barn doors are not supposed to be locked. However, it may be a cause for concern if you're trying to use one of them as a bedroom or guest bathroom door where you'd like the option to lock it. A single sliding barn door can be locked as can double sliding barn doors. It is relatively easy to install a privacy style lock.
Sliding Barn Door Noise?
Privacy is a consideration, as well. Unlike pocket doors, sliding barn barn doors aren't ideal for sound insulation and thus probably shouldn't be used for a children's environment that either gets noisy or needs to be quiet for children to sleep. Depending on the type of hardware used, sliding barn doors may also be noisy to open and close.
If you have a sliding barn door, you'll probably need a little more than a small weather strip to stop the noise. You can use brush seals to fill the gap and provide some soundproofing. The brush seal can be fitted to the entire height of the door frames.
You can ‘sound proof’ your sliding barn door using quality door seals that will help reduce the noise.
Sliding Barn Door Bottom Guides
The sliding barn door guide at the bottom of the door plays a critical role. This stops sliding barn barn doors from swinging out of place and damaging baseboards and walls. There are a number of ways to prepare the door bottom for the guide for sliding barn door panels which are made from wood and similar materials. The floor guide is optional. You will receive one with a kit purchase, so you may choose to use it or not.
Sliding Barn Door Size
The width of your sliding barn door should be at least 2 to 3 inches wider than the opening of the frame, and 1 inch higher than the opening dimensions. The determining factor in how high or how wide you want to go is just how much you want the opening to overlap with your sliding door.
How far off the floor should a sliding barn barn door be?
Generally, at least 6-inch clearance is recommended, but there are hardware options that work with less room. Next, you need to make sure that there is enough empty space next to the opening to accommodate the sliding barn door as it slides open.
Is a sliding barn door going to leave a gap?
Sliding barn doors are hanging from the track outside the room, covering the doorway, but leaving gaps between the wall and the door on the sides. For complete coverage and to minimize gaps, make sure the door is at least a few inches wider than the opening. It takes 6 feet of track for a 3-foot door.
Do the sliding barn doors have handles on either side?
Using a sliding barn door means losing the ability to use standard handles and introducing the need for a pull handle and a flush pull handle so that the door can be opened from both sides.
Can a standard door be used as a sliding barn door?
While you can purchase doors for a sliding barn door installation, practically any door can be converted to a sliding barn door with special tracks and hangers. The hardware is now easy to find in a wide range of styles.
How are the sliding barn doors locked?
A sliding barn door latch is not too difficult to find or instal for double sliding barn doors. The doors simply slide together, and they can be locked together. We suggest considering for high quality locking using a Zebratti sliding door lock. And, one quick look, and you can see that, because of the way they're mounted, single-hung sliding barn doors aren't usually meant to be closed–no lock, no key, no dice. But think again. A single sliding barn door can be modified to accept a lock. There are ways to do this.
When installing a sliding barn door, do you remove trim?
You don't have to remove the trim! You'll need to use some spackle to fill the area where you remove hinges from the previous doors but that's all.
How far from the wall does a sliding barn door stick out?
That depends on your sliding barn door's thickness. Our standard track sticks out from the wall only 50mm (2 inches). When hanging the door, the centre of the width of the door will align with the track above. If your barn door is 2m high, then between wall and door you'd have 25mm (1").
Are the sliding barn doors suitable?
Sliding barn doors are not practical for each room, as they are wider than the door frame and require a gap between the wall to run smoothly. But sliding barn doors can save space where swinging doors are not practical.
Are sliding barn doors adding value?
They are functional, space-saving, attractive and add value to your home for premium resale. In fact, a recent study by Zillow Digs found that homes listed in their description as "sliding barn doors" sold more than expected for 13 per cent and 57 days faster.
Can sliding barn doors de-track?
Sliding barn doors roll on wheels, and can with force be intentionally or accidentally pushed off their tracks. A heavy barn door can come off its track if it viciously flung open quickly resulting in a door falling over causing injury or damage.
Sliding Barn Door Ideas
If you have other ideas or are not sure if it will work, come on in and ask us. We would love to hear what you have to say. Let your imagination run wild. Check out options here and here
Can I use an exposed sliding door track?
Yes you can use an exposed sliding door track as a feature. In fact some customers have had there track powder coated to match the wall color so it blends in, leaving the running gear exposed. You can of course leave the track natural. With a sliding door track you can hang it off the wall or from the ceiling frame. Either way you can leave the track mechanism visible.
Why not come and discuss your ideas with us at Architectural Design Hardware